2024 MAY NEWSLETTER 1 of 2

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 6:23 PM | Anonymous

From Concrete to Community: Martinez Concrete's Sponsorship Makes the Knights Classic Possible!

This Month's newsletter is sponsored by  Martinez ConcreteTheir annual sponsorship not only helps us host the Knights Classic sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors, but also strengthens the bonds of brotherhood and camaraderie among us all. Whether you're in need of a new driveway or a patio, remember to support Martinez Concrete – because when you choose them, you're supporting the Knights Classic too!


Which Chapter will win our membership drive prize?!?


The DFWAA Needs your Support!

Tell your chapter brothers to join Today

Please enjoy our April/May Newsletter below:

It is with a heavy heart that we said our goodbyes, to National Founder, Elliott Bazan. For those who knew Elliott, he was head over heels for his wife, and loved spending his time outside of work spending time with his wife and son.. I had the privilege of growing up and spending summers with Elliott's family and my parents' Texas Tech alumni friends. When I think back to the yard games and dinner table conversations, Elliott's laughter always stands out among the  voices. Always laughing, always joking, always teasing, but always concerned about the well-being of his friends. I had the unique honor of having him as a fraternity brother, an "uncle," a godfather, and a great friend. He will be greatly missed.

Thank you to the brothers that were able to join in his celebration of life in San Marcos, to those who reached out, and to those who kept his family in your thoughts and prayers. 

Obituary link


A Message from your New Chairman

Rudy Ramirez: 

Chairman’s Note

Brothers it has been a great start to the year and April was packed full of brotherhood events. We drove to San Antonio to Play in the 4Links Classic and returned Saturday to watch the Silver Boot Series Baseball game with the World Champs against the Astros. The tailgate and game were awesome and if you missed it be ready to get your tickets early next year. Our Membership drive officially ends in April, but brothers are encouraged to join all year round. So get signed up and join the Original Alumni Association of Omega Delta Phi. I hope you can make it to at least one event this year to rekindle that burning desire. Our Service Projects are coming in August, October, November and December so get ready.

Thank you brothers for all the support and brotherhood. Hope to see you out at an event or two.

In All Eternal Brotherhood

Rudy Ramirez

Chairman ‘24

We wish the best to all of our members that are celebrating their birthdays in April and May!

*Brothers listed in order Left to Right, starting on top row*


Christopher Del bosque- Theta Chapter: West Texas A&M

Francisco Gonzalez- Tau Chapter: University of Texas- Arlington

Nicolas M. Hernandez - Alpha Omicron Chapter: University of Texas- Dallas

Rolando Moody Jr- Tau Chapter: University of Texas- Arlington

Martin Ortiz- Delta Chapter: Texas A&M University

Rudy Ramirez- Delta Chapter: Texas A&M University

Syed Reza- Alpha Omicron Chapter: University of Texas- Dallas

Juan C Silva- Alpha Iota Chapter: Texas A&M University- Commerce

Ryan Smith- Tau Chapter: University of Texas- Arlington


Ashik Arif- Alpha Omicron Chapter: University of Texas- Dallas

Alan Guevara- Alpha Omicron Chapter: University of Texas- Dallas

Rafael Guevara- Sigma Chapter: Southern Methodist University

Vicente Hernandez- Delta Chapter: Texas A&M University

Jose Lazala- Tau Chapter: University of Texas- Arlington

David Tovar- Alpha Lambda Chapter: Stephen F. Austin State University

German Villatoro- Alpha Chi Chapter: University of North Texas

ODPHI DFW Alumni, PO Box 142951, Irving, Texas 75014, 507-400-1987

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